What is the RGPD?


Adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016 and entered into force on May 25, 2018, the acronym RGPD stands for “General Data Protection Regulation.”. Its aim is to strengthen the rights of people whose data is processed by providing a legal framework for the processing of their personal data. It provides a framework for the processing and circulation of personal data in Europe.


Who we are

KOKI SOFTWARE is a company specializing in the development of innovative software and IT solutions. As data controller, KOKI SOFTWARE is committed to protecting your personal data.

Consequently, we take care to respect the application of the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). This European regulation is a reference text in terms of personal data protection. It strengthens and unifies data protection for individuals within the Union and is applicable in all 27 member states from May 25, 2018.

The main aims of the RGPD are both to increase the protection of people affected by processing of their personal data and the accountability of those involved in such processing. Article 4 of the RGPD defines personal data as “Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person” (example: name, registration number, telephone number, date of birth, location data…).

In the context of our activity, KOKI SOFTWARE processes your personal data, collected, first and last name, email address, company name, telephone number. The primary purpose of collecting your data is to improve KOKI SOFTWARE. Secondly, KOKI SOFTWARE may use your data for statistical purposes in order to improve the subscribed software.


How secure is your data?

KOKI SOFTWARE ensures the security of your personal data by implementing physical and logical security measures against any loss, destruction, alteration or unauthorized disclosure of personal data.

In addition, all KOKI SOFTWARE staff are regularly trained in data protection and confidentiality. Furthermore, personal data collected by KOKI SOFTWARE will not be sold, rented or exchanged under any circumstances.


Why do we collect this data?

The collection of your personal data is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of our showcase website and compliance with legal and regulatory obligations. In this respect, here is a list of actions for which your data is indispensable: responding to your requests for information via the contact form, managing your subscriptions to our newsletter, the possibility of contacting you for important information concerning our services or products, and the production of anonymous statistics to improve our site and our services.


What are the purposes and legal bases for processing your data?

The processing carried out by KOKI SOFTWARE falls within the scope of, as the case may be, (i) a legal obligation to which KOKI SOFTWARE is subject, or (ii) the completion of a contract with our customers to provide our cleaning traceability services.

In accordance with the principle of proportionality and data minimization, only data that is necessary and relevant to the purposes for which it is collected is collected. KOKI SOFTWARE undertakes to collect only the data strictly necessary for the purpose of processing.

– In the context of our showcase website, data is collected for the purpose of providing information on our cleaning traceability services, thus satisfying the legitimate interest of our visitors to find out more about our offers.

– Within the framework of legal obligations

KOKI SOFTWARE may collect personal data in order to comply with its legal obligations. The legal obligation arises imperatively from international, European or national legal texts on which KOKI SOFTWARE depends. As a result, certain data may be collected for invoicing or business control purposes.

Who receives your data and who has access to it?

Your data is reserved for KOKI SOFTWARE staff and managers of KOKI SOFTWARE’s administrative, logistical and IT departments. Some of your data may be transmitted to authorized third parties (e.g. police or judicial authorities) to our technical service providers and subcontractors acting on behalf of and on the instructions of KOKI SOFTWARE.

In all cases : (i) access to your data by these recipients is limited to the categories of data that are strictly necessary for their mission, and (ii) they are subject to a contractual obligation of confidentiality. Data will not be passed on outside the EU or to other recipients without your explicit prior consent.


How long is the data kept?

Personal data collected via our contact form is stored for 12 months. In accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your information will be retained for this period in order to respond to your requests and fulfill our legal obligations, after which it will be securely deleted or anonymized. We undertake to protect your data and to keep it only for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. If you have any further questions about our privacy policy or the management of your data, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What are your rights?

Pursuant to the French Data Protection Act and the RGPD, you have several rights that you may exercise at any time:

Right to object: allows you to object to certain processing of your personal data.
Right of access : to know what data has been processed and to receive a copy of it.

Right of rectification: allows you to correct inaccurate or incomplete information.
Right to erasure: allows you to request the erasure of your personal data.
Right to restrict processing: allows you to restrict the use of your data.
Right to portability : allows you to recover your data for yourself or to pass it on to a third party, depending on the legal basis chosen.

Right to withdraw consent: allows you to withdraw your consent, provided that consent is the chosen legal basis.

The right to define directives on the conservation, deletion and communication of your data after your death: You have the possibility of organizing the fate of your personal data after your death.


Who can you contact?

You can assert your rights:



You can also consult the website of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) for further information on the scope of your rights( You have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL: TSA 90715, 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 PARIS.


Cookie policy

What is a cookie?

Cookies are files intended to be stored on your devices (smartphone, computer, etc.) that will be used on our website to interact with your browser to send or receive information.


Why do we use cookies?

KOKI SOFTWARE uses cookies for content enhancement, statistical analysis and to track any requests you may make. We do not transfer or sell your data to third parties.


How do I accept or withdraw my consent for cookies?

This data is collected with your explicit consent. You may refuse to accept cookies at any time. In addition, you may withdraw your consent at any time, either using the tools provided online (cookie management), or by contacting the departments responsible for processing your data.

You can also contact the Data Protection Officer


How long do we keep cookies?

The storage of this data is also limited in time, with an expiry date of 13 months. At the end of this period, your personal data will be deleted. If you register for an online service, you will be asked to renew your consent.

RGPD by Koki Software: Important points to ensure compliance

All Koki Software employees get involved!

All Koki Software employees are involved in RGPD compliance. Regular meetings are organized to find concrete solutions for improving the protection of personal data.

Data center security

Security controls Environmental controls Power supply Premises and temperature Fire detection and control Operational security Malware prevention Vulnerability management Authorization controls System maintenance Security consultation and review Security and lifecycle Testing and security review Recovery and business continuity planning

To reduce service interruption due to hardware failure, natural disasters or other causes, Koki Software via XEFI implements a disaster recovery program at all its data center sites. This program includes several components designed to reduce the risk of a single point of failure, including the following:

  • Data replication and backup: to guarantee availability in the event of a disaster, data is replicated on several systems within the same data center, as well as in a secondary data center.

In addition to data redundancy and regionally dispersed data centers, Koki Software also has a business continuity plan for its headquarters. This plan takes account of major disasters, such as an earthquake or public health crisis. This plan is designed to ensure business continuity for our customers.

Your data is in safe hands

Integrated, multi-level protection. In addition to in-house protocols, Koki Software has surrounded itself with top-quality hosting and server supervision experts. So your information system is safe. What’s more, from their dashboard, functional administrators can adjust authentication, protection and operational control processes.

For further legal information, please consult our legal notice. To contact our DPO, please send an e-mail to Rémi LEBRE at