Koki Software Serving the Tertiary Sector

Public spaces such as offices, shopping centers, or public institutions have specific cleaning needs. Koki offers several key advantages for these sectors.

How Koki Software Can Benefit You in the Tertiary Sector?

Designed to meet the specific needs of public places and tertiary spaces, Koki Software enhances cleaning processes, optimizes resource utilization, empowers cleaning agents’ autonomy, and modernizes your company’s image.

Cleaning Processes

Ensuring adherence to protocols

Resource Optimization

Increasing efficiency and speed

Agent Autonomy

A connected and independent team

Modernizing Your Image

A digital and agile solution

Meeting the needs of cleaning professionals

Custom Cleaning / SmartCleaning

Koki allows for customized cleaning, focusing only on areas that have been used and are necessary.

This approach, combined with SmartCleaning, promotes more efficient and sustainable management of cleaning resources.


Koki offers telepointing functionality, enabling precise and real-time tracking of cleaning agents’ working hours. This facilitates personnel management and ensures greater transparency.

Enhancing Agent Autonomy

With its user-friendly interface and decision-support tools, Koki helps enhance the autonomy of cleaning agents, enabling them to work more independently and efficiently.

Modernizing Business Image

By adopting Koki, businesses can modernize their image. Using an innovative digital cleaning solution demonstrates their commitment to technology and their focus on efficiency and sustainability.

Koki Software